Two-Piece boxes for Phonograph Recordings – #LP-45-33-MC


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SKU: LP-45-33-MC Categories: ,


Boxes for 33 RPM and 45 RPM records are available. The box for 45 RPM records will hold approximately 50 records (5 inches worth) in a two-piece box with a short, separate lid. The 33 RPM LP storage boxes are designed for ease of access, with a drop front. This box stands on its side, and the front is fully detached. The drop front allows easy removal when lying flat, and allows the spine of the albums to be seen when open to make finding a particular record easy. This 5 in. deep box will hold around 30 albums, depending on the jacket thicknesses. Both boxes are manufactured from MicroChamber .065 conservation board with metal corners for added strength.