Recollections: A Life in Bookbinding – #BK-186


SKU: BK-186 Category:


by Bernard C. Middleton

with a foreword by Marianne Tidcombe

2000, 140 pp.

This is the autobiography of Bernard Middleton, renowned book restorer, binding scholar and international lecturer on bookbinding techniques. Originally published as a fine press book by Henry Morris at the renowned Bird & Bull Press, the author has expanded the text and added many illustrations of his most inspired bindings. In this new edition over 90 of his bindings are illustrated, 46 in full color. This important work is not only Mr. Middleton’s personal story but

also a well-documented and illustrated insight into Britain’s indentured apprenticeship programs of the mid-20th century. In this very warm story, we follow the gangly teenager into England’s strict trade schools system, through his apprenticeship, his military service during the war, to his first position as an apprentice binder for The British Library. Each chapter is well illustrated with many personal photographs as the young binder advances to manager at the famed Zaehnsdorf Bindery and sets the foundation of his own business. Since 1963, Middleton has been one of Britain’s foremost book craftsmen and trade historians, lecturing and teaching in Europe, the United States, and South America. Among his many literary achievements are numerous trade articles, introductory essays, and five books. Hardcover.