Hxtal NYL-1 Epoxy, 114g. kit – #HXTAL



Hxtal NYL1 is an epoxy adhesive developed specifically for use in conservation to repair glass and ceramics. It is supplied as a resin/hardener kit. It is clear and will not yellow with time or exposure to sunlight. It is offered as a two-part kit and should be weighed in a ratio of 3 parts A to one part B. Hxtal is an alternative to Epo-Tek 301 For best results we suggest a good cleansing with Amino Silane A1100 (sold separately). Mix it using clean glass droppers to remove it from the bottles, and stir with a glass rod in a glass vessel. It will be quite thin and you may choose to let it stand a few hours before using the mixed epoxy (particularly if you are working with china or ceramics). Holding a hair dryer or similar heat source at a distance of about 24- 30″, slowly warm the area to be joined. Hxtal may be thinned with aromatic solvents or ketones if you prefer to airbursh it. It may also be tinted to match the color of the glass with which you are working. We have been told that BASF’s’s Orasol dyes work particularly well though most dry artist pigment will work well in HXTAL for a dye. Hxtal cures rather slowly; it will take 7 days at 75F to fully cure, though it will hold after 24-48 hours assuming no pressure is applied to the joined areas. Note that any clean-up of excess epoxy should be done within the first 24 hours. A razor blade will do a neat job at that stage. Do not try to rush the curing process by using heat lights!