Restoration of Motion Picture Film – #BK-201


SKU: BK-201 Category:


by Paul Read and Mark-Paul Meyer

2000, 368 pp.

This book is not only the first of its type to be written in English, it is truly the first that brings together the work of a modern motion picture film laboratory and deals, in particular, with film restoration. The origin of the data this book contains is a training program produced and written by members of an EC-funded committee called Force/FILM. The committee comprised senior film archivists and technicians in charge of film conservation departments or working film laboratories within national film archives, together with technicians from commercial laboratories which specialize in archival film conservation and who do not work for national or local archives. The wide spectrum of topics addressed in this text include discussions of digital technology and complete technological coverage. Contents include an introduction to the restoration of motion picture film, cinematographic technology, reconstructing a film, image and sound restoration, techniques and case studies, a glossary of terms, and a bibliography. Hardback.