Wood Epoxy Putty Kit – #919-WOODEPOX


SKU: 919-WOODEPOX Category:


This wood replacement compound is unique in its ability to be used in any thickness for structural or decorative applications to replace, repair, extend, or fill wood or other materials. It may be added to window sills, thresholds, door and window frames, floors, capitals, moldings, steps, balustrades, doors, shutters, furniture, and more. It forms a permanent, high-strength bond to most surfaces, and can also be used to fill holes, cracks and voids of any size without concerns about shrinking and crumbling. Its exceptional strength and durability make this wood epoxy putty the ideal choice to replace or add missing sections, structural, or decorative components. After treatment, the hardened wood may be planed, sawed, painted, carved, drilled, nailed, sanded, or glued. It will bond to glass, ceramics, metal, concrete, and a variety of other hardened surfaces. Mix with stains, pigments, or dyes to alter its standard light, neutral color. This light-weight epoxy system consists of two parts, a resin paste and a hardener paste. Mix them in equal parts and the blend will harden within an hour or two to a non- shrinking, lightweight, tough mass featuring high dimensional stability as well as chemical, weather, water and heat resistance. 100% solids, 1:1 ratio, 20 minute pot life, no VOCs or noxious odors.